New Delhi, 27 November 2019
Confederation of Indian Industry in association with CII-Triveni Water Institute organized a National Conference on "Moving from Risk to Resilience for a Water Secure Future" at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 27th November 2019.
The conference focused on the following key areas:
Managing Floods and Droughts in Urban Areas
Application of Decision Support System
Reducing Hazard Vulnerability
Climate Smart Agriculture
Traditional Rejuvenating of Water Harvesting System
Nature Based Solutions
Representatives from industries of various sectors, Technocrats, Diplomats, Advisors, Policy Makers, NGOs, Grass Root Organizations, Institutes, Scientists & Researchers, Officials from Municipal Authorities, National Disaster Management Authority, Jal Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Government Agencies, attended this conference.

DTK co-founder, Tanay Kulkarni, was invited as a speaker and panelist at the conference. He participated in 'Altered Hydrology: Rising Threat of Climate Change' Session.

Increase in climate variability triggers a need to building adaptive capacities and resilience for informed decision making. Resilience is more than implementing the right technology or practice to assess and address risks of extreme events. The session discussed:
How climate change is impacting the extreme events like – floods and droughts?
Concrete regional and global actions to better adapt to climate change and prevent and respond to disasters specifically- financial and technical.
Nature based solutions for addressing the threats and challenges of climate change.
Strategies for mitigating the threats of climate change: Climate smart agriculture.

Tanay spoke on mitigating the challenges of Climate Change through Climate Smart Agriculture from Irrigation PoV. He discussed and shared his views on how Smarter Irrigation Techniques can help in reducing and managing the impacts of climate change.
Tanay Kulkarni was accompanied by
Dr M Mohapatra, Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department
Mr Bobby Mathew, Director of Business Development (India & Middle East), SCS Global Services
Mr Muthukrishnan M, Head Environment, GMR Group
Mr Vivek P Adhia, Country Director, ISC
as fellow speakers and the panel was moderated by Dr Sushil Gupta, Former Chairman, Central Ground Water Authority, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.
Not to mention, the event was very well received by the industry and witnessed enthusiastic presence and participation of veterans.